Comma Group

Outdoor awareness campaign.


The challenge

Comma Group is an international management consultancy and industry leader in data and information management solutions. They came to us with a simple question: How do we express the benefits that our business offers in an engaging way?

The solution

This is the kind of challenge our creative team loves: Cutting through the noise to give the client standout, whilst delivering a truth about the brand.

Our solution was based on the importance of commas as grammatical tools. If a comma is removed, the result is very unexpected. We began exploring the fun (and bizarre) possibilities of the English language without commas. In doing so, we were able to express a deeper truth about Comma Group and the benefits they provide to their clients' businesses.

This series of striking digital billboards was featured around Ocean Outdoor's London sites.

M3 Comma Group OUTDOOR_Social option 32.jpg

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