The future of content creation - what it means for content marketers

The future of content creation - what it means for content marketers

Content marketing continues to evolve and change. Staying abreast of new technologies and approaches is key to futureproofing your content creation process and strategy. For content creators, the main objective is to create high quality and relevant content for your audience around topics they’re interested in.

We look at the future of content creation and what it means for content marketers.

Content creation: today

Several years ago, creating a 500-word piece of content and stuffing it with keywords would have been commonplace among brands for generating traffic to a blog.

Here in 2023, that’s no longer the case. While creating content that generates traffic is crucial to a successful content marketing strategy, keeping ahead of trends is essential for creating relevant content for your audience.

Google prefers E-E-A-T content instead of content that is designed to rank for keywords. E-E-A-T stands for “Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness” and is part of Google’s algorithm, as well as its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Previously, it used to be E-A-T, before experience was added in a December 2022 Google Update.

Creating high quality content, providing transparency and author information and using credible sources, as well as leveraging user-generated content, building authoritative backlinks are essential to improving your site’s E-E-A-T. The content that you write that Google deems relevant to your audience will rank better than content that’s irrelevant and has no value.

One example of this is a piece that our PPC Manager Ryan wrote about using ChatGPT for PPC marketing. Within the piece, he outlines how ChatGPT can be used by PPC account managers to inform decision making, his favourite prompts to use and its limitations. As PPC is an area that we specialise within the digital marketing strand of our agency, the article positions ourselves as experts who have experience and expertise around running PPC campaigns for our clients.

With the emergence of the creator economy, people’s perceptions are changing due to the way we see content marketing delivered by both brands and creators. Platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok have turned people’s side hustles or passions into their own businesses or full-time careers.

It’s estimated that the market size of the creator economy is $113 billion (£97.2 billion in GBP), providing creators and brands with opportunities to create a full-time living from content creation.

AI and its role in the content creation process

2023 brought the emergence of ChatGPT and Google Bard, changing the way that content creators and marketers produce content for audiences.

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role throughout all stages of the content creation process for creators. While AI can be a useful tool when it comes to content creation, it’s worth remembering that there are risks that need to be considered if you’re using it as part of your content marketing strategy.

Relying on AI to produce content can lead to possible quality concerns and inaccuracies, particularly with covering complicated topics. Having a human touch, particularly with editing content and identifying plagiarism is key to ensuring that you create original content that’s useful, relevant and engaging to your audience.

Content creation in the future

When it comes to where content creation is heading in the future, we’ve identified three main areas to keep an eye on.

More emphasis on interactive content

Content creation will involve far more than just blogs, infographics and video, but there will be more of a focus on interactive content.

Technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) provides opportunities for businesses to create more immersive and engaging virtual experiences. It means that content marketers can produce incredible storytelling experiences that capture the attention of the audiences they’re serving their content to.

Creator-led content is key

In the age of the creator economy, creator-led content plays an important role in the future of content marketing.

The lines of traditional SEO and creator-led content are becoming increasingly blurred. For content marketers, creating content for search engines is king, having an engaged community who are interested in your brand is just as important. Being authentic and having lived experience can play a major role in helping content marketers achieve their SEO goals.

Embracing creator-led content through recycling, repurposing and creating fresh content is crucial to a successful future content marketing strategy.

Making fans a cornerstone of your content creation strategy

Getting your audience involved in the content creation process is a crucial component for marketers and writers.

Audiences are more interested in building long-term relationships with brands, thus playing a vital role in your brand’s ecosystem. A great way of developing your relationship with your audience is to ask them what type of content they want. Investigating previous content activity to identify what content performed well, the formats used, and topics can be useful when putting together your brand’s content strategy.

By understanding how your audience interacts with your content, it can feed into how you produce videos, blogs and immersive experiences in the future.

Supercharge your content marketing with M3

Making sure that you are ahead of the curve with content marketing is key. At M3, we are masters of modern content marketing, creating personalised strategies and content that deliver value for our clients. If you want to find out how we can help with creating content for your business, you can contact our team today.

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