3, 2, 1…lift off

3, 2, 1…lift off

Our let’s do something launch day.

You may have noticed that here at M3, we’ve got a new philosophy: Let’s do something.

When we launched this new mantra to our team, we did something pretty special.

We took a day out to celebrate the birth of our new agency. To make sure everyone got inspired, got excited and got ever-so-slightly squiffy on the Champers that was happily flowing from around 10am.

Throwing a party for all the passionate, talented doers who look after our amazing clients day-in and day-out.

We’d already been busy transforming M3 HQ by knocking down walls and building a new creative suite. But the night before our launch, we redressed the building with the rather dapper new M3 branding, so that everyone walked into a different agency the next day.

First came the formal (but friendly) stuff: Breakfast with a few well-chosen words from the senior team about our new energy.

Then came the fun stuff: A goodie bag for everyone stuffed with new-look M3 treats. Head massages to open our minds to bigger possibilities. Plus manicures and pedicures to make sure our new agency is shiny as well as new.

Then, at 15:00 hours – a time which henceforth shall be known as M3 o’clock – we set off to the local hostelry and invited our families along for a bite, a beverage and some entertainment. Along with live magic, there was a tune or two from Dave, our CEO, and his awesome band.

There may have been a few sore heads afterwards, but this wasn’t a typical agency party. We wanted to do something. To bring our whole team together and mark the start of an amazing new chapter.

We’ve spent months re-evaluating, reassessing and refurbishing. Developing a new direction for us that offers bigger and better possibilities for our clients. So we spent a day celebrating the fact that, after two decades, M3 is a brand new agency.

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