Oxford Plastics•
Rebranding an innovative UK site safety equipment manufacturer
The challenge•
Oxford Plastics are an international business, renowned for product innovation in the form of solutions, not commodities. They needed branding that reflected that. From comprehensive brand guidelines covering a new logo, strapline and tone of voice to the redesign of a large range of touchpoints, they needed an agency partner that could really deliver and elevate the brand.
The solution•
Leveraging Oxford Plastics’ strengths as a strong family business operating in several industries, M3 introduced new branding that ensured they stayed ahead of the game. With a new logo that evolved the business’s previous mark and a strapline that confidently encapsulated what they do, Oxford Plastics now have a smart new identity. Giving them the strong brand appeal they need to sustain their competitive edge and continue to grow from strength to strength.

The result•
Giving the client confidence that, within their marketplace, Oxford Plastics is a sovereign brand. This set of visual and narrative assets brought consistency to how the company presents itself to the world, giving them permission to behave like the brand leaders they truly are.